Jumat, 28 Juni 2013

How to rich vocabulary


1.     RIZKI IKA YUNI PRIHATINI            110500 59
2.     MARZERI TURANGGA MUSLIM        110500 52
3.     ARINA NURHAYATI                           110500 80
4.     AMELIA DEWI                                      110500  71

1)    Apparent – adjective (ap-pa-rent)
*His improvement is increasingly apparent nowadays.
Describes something that can be seen clearly.
2)   Approximate – adjective (ap-pro-xi-mate)
*The train’s approximate time of arrival is 10.30.
It describes that something is not completely accurate but close.
3)   Compatible – adjective (com-pa-ti-ble)
*This method may not be compatible to the students in the remote areas.
Able to exist, live together, or work successfully with something or someone else.
4)   Conceivable – adjective (con-cei-va-ble)
*It is just conceivable that the hospital made a mistake.
Possible to imagine or to believe
5)   Contrary – adjective (con-tra-ry)
*Contrary to my prediction, he has found better job before we got married.
The opposite of something.
6)   Enchant – verb (en-chant)
*The audience was enchanted by her performance on the stage last night.
To charm or please someone greatly.
7)   Enhance – verb (en-han-ce)
*Her kindness will not enhance her personality if she’s still doing bad things.
To improve the quality, amount or strength of something.
8)   Fluctuate – verb (fluc-tu-ate)
*Vegetable prices fluctuate according to the season.
To change or vary, especially continuously and between one level or thing and another.
9)   Migrate – verb (mi-grate)
*In September, these birds migrate 2000 miles south to a warmer climate.
To move from one place to another.
10)   Precede – verb (pre-ce-de)
*It would be helpful if you were to precede the report with an introduction.
To be or go before something or someone in time or space.

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